CBSQ Molten Primary 3×3
10 of our Year 6 students had their first experience of tournament basketball at the CBSQ Primary 3X3 competition. Accompanied by Isaac Bates, Basketball Coordinator, Coaches Nathan Farley & Sean Thompson (both of which are Alumni)
Thursday 2 September was the pool game, which started with an overtime win for the boys and finished with a win for the girls.
Friday, they’re playing off for positions based on their pool rankings, and both teams started with a win: 11-1 for the boys, 11-2 for the girls. Friday resulted in three wins each!
It’s a lot of fun, both on the court and off. With 2 games left for each team, they’re looking forward to finishing strong!
Junior Boys
Jed Smith
Jordan Ferguson
Jacob Bonavia
Lucas Edds
Jack Ralph
Junior Girls
Eloise Boutcher
Mikayla Thompson
Harlow Marsh
Maddison Price
Zoe Robertson