To the Book Fair and Beyond!
Library, Tuesday 18 May – Tuesday 25 May.
Starts at 12:30 pm on the first day, and finishes at 9:00 am on the last day.
Our Twilight Event is Thursday 20 May 3:00 pm to 6:30 pm.
Volunteers needed!
Our Book Fair is only successful because of wonderful volunteers. We will need help setting up and packing up, before and after school, during 1st and 2nd breaks and during the Twilight Event. First break, Junior School students will be allowed access; second break will be for Middle and Senior School students. If you can help, please email Mrs Peachey at or call the Library on 3286 0213 with these details: your name, phone number/s, your email, your child’s name and class, time/s you are available to help.