Happy Family Resources : The Best Way to Say ‘No!’ to Your Kids

Happy Family Resources : The Best Way to Say ‘No!’ to Your Kids

This is our last one for Term 2, we hope you have enjoyed these resources.

In this issue, Dr Coulson explores setting limits for your child. Saying ‘no’ teaches our kids important lessons about life, independence, empathy, and getting along. Research shows that the best parenting style is one that combines setting limits with warmth. These parents are nurturing and responsive, but they set firm limits for their children. They listen to their child’s point of view, but they don’t always accept it. And it works! Their children tend to be friendly, self-reliant, cooperative, curious, and goal-oriented.

To read the full article, College families can visit the Family Resource page at Learning@Redlands. There are resources for both primary or secondary aged children.

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