Senior School Curriculum

Senior School Curriculum2023-02-10T14:44:02+10:00
The Senior School curriculum at Redlands College provides an extensive range of subjects and is well balanced between rigorous foundation learning and opportunities for each individual to explore and develop their unique gifts and talents.

As a College we recognise that each student is on a unique learning pathway. We can provide an excellent academic education while also providing outstanding vocational training opportunities.

Students can focus on gaining tertiary entry through an Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR), devote themselves entirely to vocational training or pick a combination of both.

As a registered training organisation (RTO) we have the ability to offer a range of vocational opportunities within the College. To further enhance the opportunities for our students we have partnered with a number of other training organisations and employers.

Yr 9 To 10 Safari Information Booklet
Yr 11 And 12 Pathways Information Booklet
Subjects for Year 10: Terms 1 to 3 – 2021

All students study the following core subjects:

English (5 periods)Essential Mathematics or
General Mathematics or
Mathematical Methods (5 periods)
Natural Science or
Physical Science (5 periods)
Christian Living and Chapel (2 periods)
ACCESS (2 periods)Academic Care (1 periods)

Students must choose 3 from the following list of elective subjects (each 5 periods):

Digital SolutionsDramaFilm, Television & New Media
JapaneseLegal StudiesMusic
Natural Science (combination of Biology and Marine Science)Physical EducationPhysical Science (combination of Chemistry and Physics)
Mathematical Methods must also be chosen with Physical
Specialist Mathematics (requires Mathematical Methods)Visual Art

It is recommended that students choose Mathematical Methods if their Year 9 Maths results have averaged B– or better. Students studying Essential Mathematics will find it difficult to transition into General Mathematics.

Vocational Education and Training

In Years 11 and 12 Vocational Education and Training are offered. This is designed for those who intend employment at the end of Year 12 rather than a tertiary place, although tertiary placement is available through this pathway. Vocational Education and Training has the flexibility to cater to the individual needs of the students. All Vocational students study the core subjects as well as other courses and certificates appropriate to their interests. 

For further information about Vocational Education and Training, please go to our Vocational Education and Training page.

Affiliations with Registered Training Organisations

Axiom College RTO no. 40489
Australian Global Institute RTO no. 31690
Volunteering Qld RTO No. 6020
Aurora Training RTO No.32237
Barrington College RTO No. 45030


At Redlands College, we seek to partner with parents to form and educate the whole child. We do this by offering a well-rounded education and being intentional in how we develop students physically, academically, spiritually, socially and emotionally.
The College has created ACCESS, a Wednesday afternoon program that offers students access to sport, training and extension programs. This program will providing students with greater opportunities to discover and explore future pathways or to participate in a sport.

ACCESS has been designed to:

  • engage students where they currently are in their learning journey
  • allow students who are passionate in their pursuits, further time to develop in these areas
  • create a more holistic approach to our sporting program
  • provide a higher level of competition
  • provide opportunities for students to participate in training and access VETiS funding.

ACCESS Sport Stream (Compulsory for Year 10)

The sports stream will build on existing College extension subjects – Sports Extension and Volleyball Extension – and intentionally target sports where we know we are strong in both talent and resources. Students who decide to choose one of the sports on offer will be able to use this time to extend themselves to a greater level.

ACCESS Training Stream (Year 11 and Year 12 only)

The training stream will allow students to further engage, develop and explore pathway options whilst at the College. The College will be able to use funding to provide a number of opportunities for our students with the exception of the Diploma of Business.

  • Using VETiS funding for a certificate course will prevent use of the funding in the future for a TAFE course as part of the Vocational Education Program.
  • VETiS funding has been used already and payment for this certificate course is required.

ACCESS Extension Stream. (Year 11 and Year 12 only)
The extension stream seeks to build on the gifts of our students in areas that are not covered in our formal curriculum. It will provide an opportunity to be extended beyond what they would normally experience in class. Some of these will be run by teachers with other options requiring students to engage in external study while still at the College.

ACCESS Selections will occur in Term 3, Year 9.

Camps & Excursions

Excursions occur throughout the year and provide students with practical experiences that enhance their understanding of the various study topics.  Parents are notified by letter of upcoming excursions by the class/form or subject teacher. 

The Year 11 Leadership camp provides an excellent opportunity for students to form strong personal bonds and explore the notion of servant leadership. All curriculum-based camps and excursions are included in school fees.