School Holiday Ideas LibGuide

School Holiday Ideas LibGuide

The holidays are almost here, and nobody wants the kids just sitting lazily on the couch, glued to a screen. This new LibGuide is full of holiday fun and purposeful activity for the whole family! We have curated a collection of fun events, places to visit, and activities to participate in for the most purposeful and exciting summer holiday ever!

In this LibGuide, you’ll find recommendations for both indoor/outdoor leisurely and educational/cultural activities (places to go, things to do) suitable for all ages; some resources for taking up a new hobby, learning a new skill, or finding ways to hone your skills for future employment through community volunteering; links to the Library’s Rampant Reading LibGuide for reading ideas and recommendations; and finally, some simple tips and resources to help you look after yourselves both spiritually and physically during the holidays and for the year ahead.

Some activities and events cost money, but others are free, so please take the time to scroll through all the goodies in this LibGuide. Don’t forget to visit it often as new items and recommendations are added over the next few weeks. 

If you have any questions about the LibGuide or need help with borrowing books, please come in to chat with us! 

Christmas Blessings from the Library Team.