Year 10 Curriculum

Year 10 Curriculum2025-02-05T11:00:26+10:00

Year 10 is viewed as a preparatory year leading into the summative years of 11 and 12. Students commence subjects that lead into the QCAA senior subjects gaining exposure to the skills and knowledge required. It is also during this year that students make decisions on their Senior School Pathways, whether that be preparing to go to university (Uni Ready Pathway), preparing to move into the workforce (Work Ready Pathway) or an alternative (Customised Pathway).

At Redlands College, Year 10 concludes at the end of Term 3. In Term 4, students commence their Senior School Pathway: Unit 1 QCAA General and/or Essential subjects and any certificates offered through our school RTO. Students in Year 10 may study either 5 or 6 curriculum subjects and choose from the following subjects.

For further information about the structure of Year 10 and the subject offerings available, please see the “Year 9 into 10 Subject Safari Information Booklet”.

YR 9 To 10 Safari Information Booklet
Subjects for Year 10: Terms 1 to 3

All students study the following core subjects:

English (5 periods)Essential Mathematics or
General Mathematics or
Mathematical Methods (5 periods)
Physical, Natural or Core Science (5 periods)Christian Living and Chapel (2 periods)
ACCESS (2 periods)Academic Care (1 periods)

Students are required to choose 2 to 3 electives from the list, with each elective comprising 5 periods:

Digital SolutionsDramaFilm, Television & New Media
Food Technologies GeographySpanish
HistoryJapaneseLegal Studies
MusicPhysical, Natural or Core Science (combination of Biology and Marine Science)Physical Education
Physical Science (combination of Chemistry and Physics)Mathematical Methods must also be chosen with Physical
Specialist Mathematics (requires Mathematical Methods)
Visual Art

For further information about the structure of Year 10 and the subject offerings available, please see the “Year 9 into 10 Subject Safari Information Booklet”.